One of my latest blog projects (blojects) has been at, where I've kept a running series of articles on all sorts of random nonsense. Lately though I've been finding that my ambivalence towards comic-to-movie transitions has been showing, making me look like the bored hooker at the party.
This ain't that though, and here ain't there.
So, don't expect to see a lot of comic-movie news here, or reviews. I hate writing reviews. I love writing comics, and I love writing about comics, and I'm pretty sure that's what this blog is going to end up being about.
Why another blog? Why now? Well, I'm just trying to find new, better ways of communicating with my (potential) audience. I don't just want to write comics for myself – I want to write comics that I enjoy, but I also want to be able to share them with a larger group of people.
I've really been bouncing around the net these days, looking at the different sites for promoting web comics. Drunkduck, comicspace, comicsomethingelse, comicfuckingshit.
Some of them are pretty cool, like DrunkDuck keeps bringing me back, but a lot of the ones I've been too are pretty bizarely laid out. As well, I have a hard time seeing how some of them are going to actually generate new readers for the book. Admitedly, at several sites I've already seen a few dozen hits come in, but... They're so many thousands (millions?) of comics on-line. How do reach the people who might actually want to read yours?
Well, anyway, those are some of the thoughts that pushing this blog forward. How can the reader help me get from reader 1 to reader 10 to reader 10,000?
Anyway. Woo. Blogness!
Your super-awesome pal,
Savage Henry Lee
And your other super-awesome pal -
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